
Dr. Abigail Daniels

Dean of Students

I am excited to be an SMS Eagle for the 2024 - 2025 school year. In this new role, I will primarily be working with attendance and discipline. It is great to be an SMS Eagle.

meet the dean

Contact Me...

Phone: (423)754-2391 ext. 4343

Email: abigail.daniels@hck12.net

Attendance Goal: 95%

This year at Surgoinsville Middle School, we are working hard to improve our overall attendance and our chronic absenteeism rate. Please refer to the Hawkins County School policy about school attendance listed below and to read about some of our attendance incentives for the year.

Please remember that you have five (5) school days to get attendance notes into the office after an absence. Students have a total of six (6) parent notes that can be used. The six (6) parent note limit per student is for the entire 2024-2025 school year. After using the six parent notes for the year, all remaining absences will count as "unexcused absences" unless the student has a doctor's excuse, a principal excuse, or a bereavement excuse. Doctor's excuses do not count towards the six parent note limit. Accumulating six or more unexcused absences will result in a referral to the Hawkins County Truancy Review Board.

This year, we will be implementing various attendance challenges and prizes for students. As a school, our goal is to have 95% attendance every single day. On Wonderful Wednesdays, random students will spin the prize wheel from each grade level for having perfect attendance the prior week. Additionally, students will receive 30 minutes of outdoor playtime for having perfect attendance every 4.5 weeks. There will be other fun attendance incentives throughout the year.

Attendance Matters

Did you know that SMS has an online School Spirit Store? You can place orders online at rtp23.com. You will select "Online Store" then select "Surgoinsville Middle School" to place your orders. Items ordered will be printed locally and brought to the school and given to your student. There is not an option for shipping at this time. There are four school spirit designs and fall sports designs. You even have the option to customize names/sports numbers on the back. Other winter/spring sports will be coming soon and available before the season begins. We will send home information and post online when those designs are available. Go Eagles!

SMS Spirit Store